Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So, some mornings we have tons of time to get ready and others, well, we don't.  Just depends on what day of the week it is, the phase of the moon, the direction of the wind, the time of the high tide vs low tide, you get the idea.  Today?  Today, we had a good morning.  For some bizarro reason the girls were in polite moods.  (for the most part)  Except for that one door slamming incident about roller skates, but that's beside the point.  Anyway, here's part of our conversation this morning in the car on the way to school.  (Yes, we had missed the bus.... in more ways than one.)  But when you SEE the bus...that changes things.

Mom:  Hey look!  There's your bus!

8:  FOLLOW IT!!  FOLLOW IT!!!  We can still catch it and go to school.

Mom:  We're only a few minutes from your school.

8:  But there's still one more bus stop before the school.  *takes a breath* We can catch the bus and then you won't have to drive us all the way there and you will save gas and the Earth and God will be happy that you let your wonderful and caring and sweet daughters ride the bus when they really want to see their friends and .....  *BIG breath*  Pleeeeeease?

6:  Hey, are you okay?

8:  Yeah, I just couldn't breathe.

Mom:  Okay, we'll try to follow the bus to see where it goes, but I'm not making a special stop at a bus stop that's less than 3 minutes from your school. 

*driving, and Mom made the big mistake of going straight when the bus turned*

8:  MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!  You didn' follow the bus!

Mom:  *completely oblivious to the bus*  Ah man!!  I'm sorry 8.  I am so used to going straight that I didn't even think to turn.  And in my defense, if I would have turned a car would have hit us. 

6:  (who has been so ever quiet during the whole commute)  Mom, you should get a lawyer.  That's not a good defense.

Mom:  Next time I'll follow the bus.

8:  Mom, next time we'll be ON the bus already.

(Lord, I hope so!)

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